Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slight delay...

Did it take us long enough to post an update? Jennifer has sat down a few times to type up a new post, but never gets the chance to finish it. Part of the reason COULD be because she tries to get it done at work. It's the effort that counts right?

Harley update...
The month of October was full of puppy potty training and dog walking. Lots of both. Harley came to us partially trained by her breeder so that helped immensely. She was used to being outdoors all the time but has become pretty spoiled with the amenities of the inside world. Air conditioning, a comfy bed, toys, and all the ice she can eat. We've created somewhat of a weird habit with her. It started with feeding her just one piece of ice for no apparent reason. She had a blast pushing it around the kitchen floor and chasing it. It's basically water, what can it hurt? After that one piece, she is now trained to come running every single time she hears the ice dispenser. She's been known to run inside from the backyard. Good hearing.

Our first vet visit with her was on October 1st, she weighed in at 40 lbs. Her second visit was October 22nd where she weighed in at 51 lbs. Our guess is she's going to be a good sized dog.

Last weekend we took her down to Georgetown and dropped her off with a professional dog trainer. She'll stay with the trainer for 30 days. At the end of the month we'll spend some time with the trainer so he can then train us...the most important part. So far we've really missed having her around. The house has become pretty quiet. Can't say that Taz appears to miss her too much, but we know deep down he does. A few days before she left he was witnessed actually rubbing up against her as he walked by. A kodak moment for sure, unfortunately we didn't have a camera on hand.

Update on Michael...
Michael is settling in to his new unit pretty well. Some days he works normal hours and some days he hardly works at all. The battalion's primary responsibility is to train reserve units as they come through on their mobilization. When there is a mobilization going on he'll work some pretty insane hours.

Earlier in October his brigade had a ball that we attended. It was really a lot of fun. We had pictures taken and we're just waiting on them to come in so they can be sent out to family and posted on here.

Later this afternoon Michael will be participating in his graduation ceremony from Central Texas College. Last year before he deployed he finished up his Associates degree. CTC offers graduation ceremonies throughout the year to give Soldiers the opportunity to walk across the stage. Since Michael deployed immediatly after finishing the degree he didn't have the chance until now. If we can get some good pictures we'll be sure and post those as well.

Update on Jennifer...
Same story, different day. Jennifer is still working on her school work. She's stuck on a business composition class. It's about as thrilling as stabbing yourself in the eye so it's taking a lot longer to complete than any of the regular classes. Once she struggles through this one she'll only have 2 more to complete the third semester. Just one semester after that and Jennifer will have her Associate's degree. She thought it would be a great idea to move straight in to working on her Bachelor's, but after 2 years of balancing life, work, and school she's not too sure. We'll have to see...

Otherwise, not much else going on with us at the moment. We're still trying to figure out what, if anything, we're doing for the holidays. At least this year Michael will be home :)


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